Services and prices

I make preparations by advanced technology using polyurethane models. During creating preparation I put an emphasis on the customer, and the preparations leave my shop to fully meet customer expectations.

Delivery time

The average delivery time of ready-made preparations is in the range of 5 – 9 months.


As part of our services, we can also transport trophies to prepare from various hunting destinations in the world. Transport and customs are carried out in cooperation with German professionals through German authorities.

We prepare and transport ready-made preparations for foreign hunters in cooperation with professionals from the Czech Republic and Germany. Our work makes happy hunters from different parts of the world such as Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, United Kingdom, Belgium, Netherlands, Slovakia, Norway, Denmark, Russia, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, USA.

The workshop has the exception of Section 56 (1) and (2) d) and Section 50 (1) and (5) of Act No. 114/1992 Coll. on the protection of nature and landscape in connection with the preparation of specially protected animal species.

Price list

Please contact me for more information about the price.